Monday, September 19, 2011

"Remember tonight... for it is THE BEGINNING of always." -Dante Alighieri

After 12 hours of traveling, I arrived in Stockholm to an embarrassingly large bundle of flowers. (Pat and Phil, I think you can take some of the credit here.) While the flowers delighted me, I think they were unappreciated by the locals who were frequent victims of unintentional flower to face contact due to the size. 

The first few days after my arrival were spent poking around our neighborhood and with trips to Ikea (Of course, the meatballs taste exactly the same) and the Maxi ICA (The Swedish version of Walmart). We also had a night out with Phil's cousin, Darren, and his friends who were visiting Stockholm as part of a trip around Europe.  

"Before" photos of the apartment. 

One of the many reminders of home around Stockholm. GWU pride! 

Phil and Darren standing in front of what we hoped looked like an important statue.

 Us with Darren and his friends. A great first night out in Stockholm!

 Annnnd finally. The most important part of this post. =)

"After" photos of the apartment.


  1. Hey Annie and Phil the place looks great you have done a wonderful job ...

  2. I have never blogged before it is all new you guys look great and I know you are all good these pics are great keep them coming luv you :)

  3. Blog Baby !!!!!!!!!!
