Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Autumn is a Second Spring when Every Leaf is a Flower." -Albert Camus

After Munich, we had several weeks at home in Stockholm before we headed to Budapest. Below are a collection of photos from sort of "everyday" life here. I didn't start work at Karolinska until about 2 weeks ago, so a majority of my everyday life was spent trying out new recipes, as the food photos indicate. We also both got sick, with Phil getting hit pretty hard (see photo below). What else? We continued decorating the apartment (our tree made its big debut!), did a little pumpkin carving, and tried to take in as much of the fall leaves as possible. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

One of our recent apartment additions

Dinner ingredients!

Apple Cake
Close up of Apple Cake
Lunch- ground lamb, red onion, blue cheese and apple!
Sick Phil is NOT happy.

Our Pumpkins Before
Phil's first time pumpkin carving was actually really successful until his flea-sized attention span ran out. Ergo, no after photo for his pumpkin. =(

My Pumpkin After

Fall leaves.
Tree outside our building. I think two different colors on one tree is pretty unusual (and spectacular). 
Phil out for a walk.
More leaves! 

Our Tree in its first stage.

Our Tree with its fall leaves.
Our plan is to decorate the tree for the different seasons. We will have fall up until we get back to Stockholm in January and then we'll put up winter. I have plans to string twinkle lights along the branches and use cotton balls as snow. Fun, huh?

And lastly, I will leave you with a view of the sunset from our apartment. (Sorry for the blur).

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