Friday, February 3, 2012

"In the depths of WINTER I finally learned there was in me an invincible Summer” - Albert Camus

Before moving to Stockholm, I had an understandable fear of the Winter weather. Phil's casual mention of walking outside and having any little water droplets on his beard instantly freeze sent me into a small fit of panic. And while I have avoided taunting the weather verbally for fear of its wrath, I have to admit that we have had a relatively mild Winter this year. A few days below zero C and not much snow- everyone I have talked to about it makes a point to stress is very unusual for Stockholm in December and January and that I should "just wait" and see. I was kind of disappointed in the lack of "winter wonderland" that I felt Sweden owed me. But I was able to get into the Christmas/ Holiday spirit thanks to the Christmas Markets and the NK (Swedish version of Saks) Holiday Windows!

I wish I could tell you that the best part was watching the little Swedes stick their noses to the glass to look at the displays, but alas, I was too busy sticking my nose to the glass to notice anything else. =) Luckily, Phil was able to draw my attention to the baby Swedes.

Santa getting in shape for the holiday season!
Santa makes the presents!

...then wraps them!

Santa needs to make sure he has enough energy for his big night.
(This window was my favorite. All the food was made out of candy!)

Once the gifts are all ready, Santa chooses his best outfit.
(This window was Phil's favorite,
fitting given his recent interest in shopping. (= )
Santa compiles his list-- full of Swedish boys and girls-- and heads off!

After browsing the store front windows, we went back in time to a traditional Swedish Christmas Market held every year on Skansen, the first open air museum in Sweden, complete with a full replica of a 19th century town.

Fires like this one were sprinkled through out the market.
While enjoying food from one of the many traditional Swedish food stands,
Christmas shoppers huddled around these babies to keep warm.

Our choice of traditional Swedish food.
We made quick work of these little, delicious donuts!

Bye bye little guy!

I really liked this waterfall display of lights

One of the town buildings on Skansen.

After the Skansen Christmas Market, our shopping continued in Gamla Stan (the Old City).

Christmas decorations!

Phil window shopping

Typical Stockholm... this was the most light we saw some days.

People busy doing holiday shopping

We also passed the time before the holidays eating and drinking...

Mussels at Monk's Cafe, a brewery here in Stockholm... yum!

Since coming back from our holidays in the U.S. we have had a few chillier days (-5, -10) with a constant few inches of snow on the ground.

View of the snowy trees from our window.
Another view of the snowy trees

This tree is coated in ice... beautiful? Yes. Good for the tree? I think not...

But we have been keeping busy with...

1. Redecorating! (Photos of the updated tree coming soon)

2. Cooking!
Julia Child's Coq Au Vin. Bon Appétit!

Phil's colleague and friend, Christina, showed us how to make this dish.
Rough Recipe: (Yes, Mom & Andrew, this is a direct challenge to you to make this)
1. Cook diced specially spiced and preserved meat and fat, almost like prosciutto lardons in between 1/4 and 1/8 cup of olive oil for about 10 minutes.
2. Add peeled and diced RAW tomatoes (maybe about 6-8 big ones for 4 people) and simmer for about 20 minutes.
3. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve with linguine and LOT'S of Parmesan cheese.
Really delicious. 

3. Celebrating!

Our two year anniversary was on January 24th.

Aaaand lastly....

Heh heh heh. Thought this was too funny not to share. Apparently "Philip" is not a very common name in Sweden... instead locals prefer to use "Plilly." 

1 comment:

  1. Wow I forgot how many fantastic blogs you have made, I love to just look at them all some make me laugh and some make me cry. I love them all. The Christmas windows are so unusual kind of scary just so different. Love Pat :)
